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The Sevastopol sea fish port

The Sevastopol sea fish port is a universal nonfreezing port, is located in a southwest part of peninsula Crimea at coast of Black sea in a bay Cane with a convenient waterway and the approach to it. Navigation in port lasts the year round. The water area of port from the West and northwest is protected East and Western by piers. Fluctuations of a level are connected basically with сгонами and нагонами waters, the size them does not exceed 0.3 meters. ANCHOR PARKING: External spot-check of port in 8 кбт to NW from the Western pier with the center of area in coordinates 44 36 " N:33 24 " E.Glubina on an anchor place - from 50 meters up to 65 meters. The ground - silt, well holds an anchor. The port is opened for the international cargo message with call in it иноcтранных courts since October 1992г.
·площадь on east I protect - 27, hectares;
·длина moorings - 1771 m;

The Sevastopol sea trading port

The Sevastopol port, is in unique nonfreezing closed from winds and a storm to the Sevastopol bay located in a southwest part of peninsula Crimea on coast of Black sea. Has a favourable geographical arrangement, of 600 km are in radius of 12 states, a short shoulder up to Istanbul. The convenient arrangement of the port, the developed system of automobile highways, presence of skilled travel agencies, allows to serve effectively круизные vessels and to provide carrying out of excursions on all Crimean peninsula. The marina of the Sevastopol port located in city centre, has two equipped passenger moorings in the extent of 200 and 135 meters, capable to accept passenger liners with осадкой 8,64 and 4,1 meters accordingly. Грузовуй the mooring is capable to accept vessels with осадкой up to 7,8 meters. Today Sevastopol takes a worthy place among круизных ports of the Mediterranean and Black seas The big historical heritage, beauty of natural bays, originality of city and its vicinities, always involved tourists from all world. Separate pages of history of city closely interwine with history of some the European states: the Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Italy, Turkey, France, etc. Here continually are come to life with history... About two thousand monuments, on the ground of Sevastopol, testify to deep respect of descendants for memory of noble ancestors.